LinchPin are pleased to announce we have been chosen by Openreach to take part in the first phase of their new product offering, DFA (Dark Fibre Access).
DFA is the latest addition to the Ethernet product range which also includes services running at 100Mbps, 1Gbps and 10Gbps.
DFA is different and supplied as a fibre connection (either 1 fibre or a pair) to which you connect equipment running at any speed.
You may have considered a dark fibre provision in the past, but been put off by the high initial cost of the civils required. DFA uses BT’s existing ducts so costs are much more in line with the 1Gbps service mentioned above.
Locations up to 45km apart can be considered.
The product should be ideal for anyone considering off site storage, or any application that requires a low latency, or simply a high speed!
The first phase is looking to install live services in September with the product going on general release in October.