WAN Services

You’ll want your Wide Area Network (WAN) to be able to keep up with your business and beyond – and that’s exactly what we offer through our innovative range of WAN technologies.  Plus, once your WAN has been set up or is being set up, there are a whole host of other services than can complement the network and help you make the most out of your leading WAN technology.

These services include:

SIP and VoIP

wan-services-linchpin-mpls-sip-example-hrPhone services are just as fundamental to businesses as email, which is why we offer resilient SIP and VoIP, both are methods of creating a voice network running over existing data connections. With SIP and VoIP, even if your main network connection goes down you can still make and receive calls.

Whilst increasing your network’s resilience, SIP and VoIP can decrease the cost of communications as SIP calls are typically cheaper than an ISDN internet service. Our main MPLS network is on-net with the two largest SIP providers and hosts, Gamma and BT so we can offer attractive call rates.

You can benefit from a more tailored service compared to standard phone lines and we can even take the hassle out of switching over, by seamlessly migrating most existing phone numbers to SIP for example, so your team’s productivity won’t be affected by the switch.

For resilient and cost effective SIP and VoIP services get in touch with our team today.


Both our own and our supplier’s networks are housed in the major Telehouses across the UK from London to Manchester and beyond.

These powerful infrastructures house our customers’ equipment from Firewalls to File Servers and everything in between, making the devices available to anyone attached to the customer’s WAN.

For secure hosting services get in touch with our team today.

Microsoft Azure – Direct Connection

Because secure network access is such a fundamental part of cloud computing, we offer Microsoft Azure direct connections. This means, by using ExpressRoute it is possible to set up a direct connection from your WAN to Microsoft’s Azure Cloud services, bypassing the internet and therefore providing greater security and responsiveness. The complex process requires careful planning and investigation, both of which Linchpin are able to offer thanks to our talented team of Microsoft Azure experts.

If you’d like to connect to Microsoft Azure directly from your WAN, get in touch with the team today.

Firewall Provision

Network engineers and managers across the globe are faced with the same challenge of keeping their network safe from the outside world whilst keeping everyone inside the company connected. Whether 10 employees or 10,000, it’s essential that your network is safeguarded without compromising user-friendly remote access for your staff – this can be achieved through a Firewall.

Making sure your company has a secure network is one of the most important parts of your company’s responsibilities towards IT. So, we can provide a secure Firewall for your premises or you can host your own equipment.

If you don’t have the resources or infrastructure to manage your network security in house, we also offer a Managed Firewall, a fully resilient environment that we will managed on your behalf and that is provided centrally to any site connected to the WAN.

To protect your business with a resilient and reliable firewall get in touch with the team today.

Links to Suppliers and Customers

Our network traverses most of the major UK Telehouses, plus we also use 12 different carriers. This means that if you have a specific customer or supplier you’d like to link to directly, then chances are we are already in the same network locations they are. For example, if one of your suppliers hosts their servers in Telehouse North, then we can easily connect you to them for a relatively low charge, making them on-net.

Get in touch to find out more or to discuss linking to a specific supplier or customer.