Internet Provision

In today’s competitive marketplace, downtime can be disastrous for many businesses and quality internet access has gone from a nice-to-have to a need-to-have. There are a number of internet service providers, (ISPs) out there so you want to know that you’ve got the right internet provision for your business.

Thanks to a drop in the price of Ethernet transport (National Ethernet), more and more businesses are able to enjoy high bandwidth Internet services. At Linchpin, we already supply Internet services to both private and public sector organisations and have relationships with the UK’s biggest internet service providers. Our services are all Ethernet based and we cater for all bandwidths, so we’re able to deliver a solution that best suits your business or the way you use the internet.

Those in the IT industry will know that supporting IPv6 has been a major stumbling block for many businesses. We’re proud to say that our internet services fully support IPv6, the most recent version of the Internet Protocol.

If you’re thinking of changing your internet service provider, would like to upgrade the services you’re currently receiving or have a question about our internet provision services, please get in touch.